Wednesday, January 25, 2012

More on My School Visit

I have to admit I am totally in love with the third graders at Christ the King.
When we picked up Loftin and Emmett after school today, our older grandson presented me with an interesting envelope. I opened it right on the spot to discover "thank you" letters, cards, and hand-drawn pictures from the darling, polite, smart, talented children to whom I spoke last week.

Several of them promised to become authors, while one actually has designs on making movies. I am most impressed with these enthusiastic students. Many were already reading the Ociee books from the school library while several opted to watch the film first! My grandmother, who honored her own teachers and education, in general, would be proud of these girls and boys.

I had spent the day, frustrated, simply trying to work on my new book during a bit of chaos. Tincture of praise and appreciation from the CKS kids was just what this author needed.
Tomorrow I will begin with renewed vigor!

Thank you, CKS Third Grade

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