Saturday, January 19, 2013

Big Changes

Wednesday, I met with Tish Sweitzer, a truly brilliant editor, regarding "A Teaspoon of Trauma." After several hours of discussion, followed by a good bit of soul searching, I decided to change the game plan.

Rather than offering a few writing anecdotes for friends and family, I'm going to pen a piece which may even be of interest to readers who do not know me, or know Ociee, or Honey, or any of the more familiar characters in my novels.
 In fact, I've decided to revamp the whole bloomin' thing. Changes include a brand new title, a totally different cover designed by Summer Paul, AND a complete reorganization of the body of the story. That's all! For two days, I'm been working until my eyes crossed.

Hopefully, readers will think it worth the rewrite. I'm still planning for an early Spring release date.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, Happy New Book!

I hope everyone's 2013 is off to a good start. Mine certainly is!

I'm giving a talk to a local Kiwanis group on Thursday and am busy at work on a new book, one which should be out in late winter or early spring. It's called "A Teaspoon of Trauma, the Seasoning of an Author." Not a book for children, this one is more of a memoir and focuses on drawing from one's challenges to create art. Especially excitingfor me is that our son Jay's talented girlfriend Summer Paul is designing the cover for Teaspoon.

Also in the works for the more distant future is a travel book I'm working on with fellow author Jaclyn Weldon White. So far we've gotten lost a hundred times, eaten our weight in out of the way diners, and laughed so much that people tend to stare. Should the publisher turn us down, Jackie and I will have have a marvelous adventure with this, our first mutual effort.

January 1, 2013 greeted me with a lovely surprise this morning. I received a fan-e-mail from a mother in Canada, one in which she shared her daughter Rose's love of our Ociee girl. She gave me the charming news that Rose is such a devoted reader that she's named her new puppy for Ociee Nash.
I had to grin!

Happy New Year! Milam