Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Book

A few months ago, our grandson Loftin asked me when I was going to write another book.
"Never!" I replied. "I'd rather play with you and Emmett."

However, Loftin's words continued to replay over and over in my mind. So, just after the first of the year, I began with some ideas, and those thoughts have now turned into a new book, one I've simply loved writing.

A story meant for grownups, it's currently in the hands of my friend Jackie Brown, a retired school teacher, who has edited all seven of my books. The next step will be to take Jackie's changes and to edit again and again ... until the story "seems" good enough for the time being.

Eventually, (hopefully in March), I'll give the manuscript to my publisher. I'll keep everyone informed as to what happens next. I would announce the title, but, for now it must remain a secret. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I just wanted to let everyone in on what's going on at my computer. Wish me luck. Milam

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