Thursday, April 26, 2012

Much too much fun!

I've had the best time since finishing my new manuscript. I've been talking to folks about books and writing and anything else they wanted to discuss. A couple of weeks ago,I had a terrific audience in Huntsville, where my sister-in-law Maryetta so nicely gathered her friends to listen to my tales of movie making and book writing. The girls were so enthusiastic, I felt like a sure 'nuf star! Then last week, my sweet friend Patty invited me to chat with her book club, a group peopled with ladies I always enjoy. Today was extra special, too. I went to Lovett School, where the kindergartners in Faye Odum's class asked wonderful questions and shared their thoughts on writing with me. So smart, so attentive, so precious were these students! One of the kindergarten authors was our darling 6-year-old neighbor, Margaret French,who wore a star proclaiming her "Student of the Week." It seems to me getting out and visiting with readers is far more fun than writing books!