Saturday, December 5, 2009

Okay, I'm reeeaaallly over the horrific picture

It's Saturday morning and I'm about to pull out our Christmas tree ornaments. Friends are furious with me because my house is decorated, inside and out, and they've already received this year's Christmas card. Sorry, but my OCD kicked in big time AND I was working out my last few layers of angst over last week's grizzly photograph in the paper.
Oh, one last repercussion: my hair looked so bad in famed photo, I went and got it all chopped off. Think Jamie Leigh Curtis, but without her fine figure and pretty face. I met with some girlfriends Thursday morning; everyone of them gasped, one offered her hairdresser's phone number. I'll be wearing hats for the remainder of the holidays.

This blog is supposed to be about my work. Hmmmm. Did I mention Christmas?
Wait! I do have a talk with a book club on Wednesday. Just love to chat with readers and will hopefully sell a buncha books at the event. Our son Jay's car was totaled by a freak on Buford Highway Tuesday and I'd like to contribute to the "Send Jay off for his MFA (in a car, not his bike)" Fund with the proceeds from Wednesday's gathering.

Also, hold positive thoughts that our Ociee girl will eventually be called upon for a television series, Broadway show or a movie. Hey, it could happen, did once before.
Merry Christmas Yawl. Milam

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