Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ociee is #5!!!!!

Things are popping for Ociee Nash this July 28 afternoon! Just hours after Kindle's offer was posted, "A Flower Blooms on Charlotte Street" was #5 on the site's top 100 list. Naturally, Belle Books, Mercer Press, and this author are thrilled beyond words.

Even better, yours truly, "low-tech Milam" found the process simple to do. Please go to Kindle and type in the book's title. Voila, there she IS! AND FREE.

By the way, new reviews "want a sequel" so please tell your friends there are already FOUR sequels which we'd love to sell! MMP

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying reading Ociee on my Kindle for PC. I did not even have a Kindle and I got it for free!
