Friday, September 18, 2009

Hopeful News about Ociee Nash

It's Friday afternoon, and I'm supposed to be writing Ociee V. Well, I'm not, because I'd rather write to you.
Deb Smith just told me that she's sending out a gigantic email today---an "e-blast" she calls it. The e-blast will appear on 150,000 computer screens to promote our three Ociee books. Try to think of this as a fine cut of "filet" NOT spam!
She also mentioned a blogger named J. Kaye, who apparently loves our Ociee girl and said some mighty nice things about her in an online review. My hope-filled heart is beating extra fast as I type all this glorious news to you.
Have a lovely weekend.
I AM going back to work now. MMP

1 comment:

  1. You and Ociee are the best. Hope the e-blast explodes into a world following Ociee's adventures. And someday we would like to see your faces on TV and catch stories with depth and meaning. Go Ociee!
